The Southeast Asian Geography Association (SEAGA) is a scientific and educational society set up in 1990 by a group of geographers to organise the inaugural SEAGA Conference in Brunei Darussalam. Its members share interests in the theory, methods, and practice of geography and geographic education. As of February 2006, the association is formally registered with Singapore’s Registrar of Societies.
SEAGA2023 in Bangkok
Photos can be found at https://www.facebook.com/seageoassoc
SEAGA 30th anniversary virtual celebrations in 2020
SEAGA International Conference 2017, Depok City, Indonesia
SEAGA International Conference 2014, Siem Reap, Cambodia
At present, SEAGA is an organisation which does not collect subscription fees from its official members. From 1990 to 2005, Professor Goh Kim Chuan, as the President of the association, has been instrumental in exploring and prodding geography departments in the region to host the international conferences. In this respect, the response from such departments has been most encouraging. The history of SEAGA could be traced to the first International conference on Geography in the Southeast Asian region organised by the Department of Geography, Universiti Brunei Darussalam in 1990. Since then the Association has been active in encouraging as well helping to organise the SEAGA biennial conferences in countries within ASEAN. The list of conferences held and venues include:
- 1990 Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Brunei Darussalam
- 1992 University of Jogjakarta, Indonesia
- 1994 University of Malaya, Malaysia
- 1996 Chiang Mai University, Thailand
- 1998 National Institute of Education/NUS, Singapore
- 2001 Universiti Bangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia
- 2004 Khon Kaen University, Thailand
- 2006 National Institute of Education, Singapore
- 2008 Univerisity of Philippines, Philippines
- 2010 Hanoi National University of Education and Hanoi National University of Sciences
- 2012 National Institute of Education, Singapore
- 2014 Royal Phnom Penh University - held in Siem Reap, Cambodia
- 2017 Universitas Indonesia, Depok City, Jakarta, Indonesia
In addition SEAGA has organised additional events that allow the discussions to continue beyond the main biennial conferences:
- 2007 International Forum, Southeast Asian Futures: Is Geography Destiny?
- 2009 International Forum, Cities and Climate Change
- 2009 Education Forum - A conversation on challenges in Humanities education.
- 2010 Education Forum - Teaching and Learning Geography that Matters
- 2011 Education Forum - What is where? The contextual understanding of place for field inquiry.
- 2016 Education Conference - Geography that matters – empowering learners for a diverse world
- 2020 SEAGA 30th Anniversary Virtual Celebration
These meetings provided a platform for researchers on any aspect of Southeast Asia, from within or outside the region to share their research findings in geography or related areas. The international character of these conferences has been unmistakable as there is strong interests from fellow geographers from many countries outside Southeast Asia. The conferences also affords an opportunity for geographers to connect with each other and through the network enhance cooperation in joint research, student fieldwork or even staff exchange. One aspect SEAGA has been encouraging is to make the conferences accessible to geography teachers in each of the host countries as well as graduate students either through their direct participation in sharing their research findings or having a complementary one-day workshop on some aspects of the teaching of topics in geography. In this way, the Association hopes to improve and revitalise the status of geography in the region.
SEAGA is a MEMBER OF SEAASWP Network: Southeast Asia, Austrasia and Southwest Pacific Networ
SEAGA 2023 Conference
SEAGA Mini Webinar Series 2021
SEAGA 2021