Article archive

08/08/2010 13:15

SEAGA Focus Aug 2010

seaga-enew-aug2010.pdf (337 kB)
29/07/2010 08:45

More information available about the Singapore Teachers Fieldtrip

A new FAQ has been set up. It is found on the left hand side of the main page for the SEAGA-2010 conference page.
24/06/2010 12:57

Special workshop on Field-based teaching in geography and related disciplines in Southeast Asia

As part of the SEAGA 2010 Hanoi Conference, there is a special workshop proposed. Click here for information.
24/06/2010 12:53

A writing workshop for early career researchers and younger faculty in humangeography and related fields

As part of the SEAGA 2010 Conference in Hanoi later this year, a special workshop is being organised for young academics. You may click here to read more.
24/06/2010 10:07

SEAGA 2010 page updated

The page has been updated as of 1007 hrs (+8GMT) 24 June 2010. Please click here to access.
15/03/2010 23:10

Photos of SEAGA Ed Forum are up

Check out the photographs of the event here.  
15/03/2010 09:00

Education Forum - Teaching and Learning Geography that matters

The link for this event is HERE
01/03/2010 12:46

3rd Executive Committee elected into office on 23 February 2010

The BGM was conducted on 23 February 2010 and the 3rd Executive Committee was elected into office. Please refer to About Us for details.
17/11/2009 14:16

SEAGA Education Forum 2010 in March

A new education forum has been scheduled for 2010. Please find out more by clicking HERE.
17/11/2009 10:30

SEAGA Conference 2010

The first announcment of the 2010 Hanoi Meeting is finally here.   More information will be available soon.   Please visit the link at for more information.

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