Education Forum 2010
Teaching and Learning
Geography that matters
15 March (Monday) 2010
0900 - 1630
Raffles Girls’ School
Organised by
The aim of the forum is to bring together Geography educators to exchange experiences and views as they face current and future challenges in teaching Geography that matters. With the impending changes in the teaching and learning of Geography in Singapore and the world, the forum will provide a platform for in-depth discussions on the challenges of teaching Geography that matters. As some schools are already teaching integrated humanities as a subject, there is also concern about the place of Geography within the context of integrated programmes and integrated humanities. In this context, the discussions will consider the philosophical and disciplinary premises for integration of the humanities. To this end, the forum will include four main areas for discussion, namely, curriculum, instruction, assessment and integration, during the concurrent plenary sessions. Generally, the forum will provide substantive insights into Geography as a subject, its place in the humanities and its role in educating the global citizen.
Tentative Programme
0900 Welcome
0910 Opening Address
0930 Plenary 1 by Dr. Clare Brooks
1015 Tea
1045 Plenary 2 by Dr. Michael Solem
1130 Panel Discussion
1200 Lunch
1330 Concurrent Panels
· Curriculum
· Instruction
· Assessment
· Integration
1500 Tea
1530 Closing Panel
1630 End of Programme
Dr. Clare Brooks (Senior Lecturer in Geography Education, London Institute of Education)
Dr. Michael Solem (Director of Educational Affairs at the AAG Central Office)
Who should attend
- School teachers and educators in Geography, Social Studies and the Humanities.
- Teachers and management in International Schools.
- Scholars and researchers from Institutes of higher learning with an interest in Geography Education.
- Scholars from humanities and the Social Sciences (eg. political science, environment, sociology, etc)
Registration fee is $80 per person. The registration package includes a tea break, lunch, and a forum kit. An administrative charge of $50 will be charged for cancellation/ withdrawal of registration on and after 15th February 2010.
Download and use the registration form here:
2010 Ed Forum flyer-regform.doc (142,5 kB)
Email: seagaed2010@gmail.com