Geography that matters – empowering learners for a diverse world
IGU-CGE Conference 2016
Main conference in Singapore, 14 – 16 August
Fieldtrip and special symposium in Shanghai, 17 – 19 August
Proposal Submission
Major themes of interest
- Policy issues
- Curriculum
- Learning and Instruction
- Assessment
- Teacher Education
- Environmental Education
- Education for social/cultural understanding
- Education for sustainability
Format of proposals
- Paper presentation (20 minutes)
- Panel Discussions (90-minute session comprising at least 3 papers)
- Workshops (90-minute workshop)
Submission Process
Paper Presentations
As a start, we have proposed three descriptions of the scope and nature of paper types below for your consideration in your abstracts. These should only be use as guidelines in preparing your papers, and should your work require an organisational format that differs from this, please do not feel limited by this.
Empirical paper
- Articulation of relevance to the conference theme/sub-themes
- Significance for theory, policy and practice
- Theoretical framework, conceptual rationale or pragmatic grounding
- Research method and design (research questions, context, participants, data sources, sampling, procedure, ethical issues)
- Clarity of results or preliminary results and conclusions
- References
- Overall quality and scientific originality
- Articulation of relevance to the conference theme/sub-themes
- Significance for theoretical debate
- Theoretical framework, conceptual rationale or pragmatic grounding
- Embeddedness in relevant literature
- Clarity and robustness of theoretical argument
- Overall quality and scientific originality
- Articulation of relevance to the conference theme/sub-themes
- Significance for theory, policy and practice
- Theoretical framework, conceptual rationale or pragmatic grounding
- Validation in domain of application (as research method, data collecting, research procedure, etc.)
- Overall quality & scientific originality
All abstracts should be about 500 words.
Panel Discussions
Do note that for panel discussions, there must be at least 3 paper presentations in each 90 minute session and a discussant must be identified to critique and lead a discussion of the papers after all papers have been presented.
For panel discussions, we will need the following:
- The theme and an abstract for the discussion session.
- At least 3 (but not more than 4) extended abstracts of papers to be discussed.
- A named discussant (other than the chairperson)
- A named chairperson of the discussion session.
For workshop proposal, we will need the following:
- Title of workshop
- Named facilitator/leader
- Intended outcome and scope of workshop
- Brief description of activities
- Resources or IT support required
Proposals of paper/panel/workshop are to be submitted to the conference programme committee, using the online submission tool at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=igucge2016. (now closed)
The submission deadline is now extended till 10 February 2016 due to requests. The organising committee will send out acceptance letters after 1 April 2016. All submissions will be peer reviewed.
Important dates
Proposals of paper/panel/workshop deadline 15 January 2016 (extended now till 10 February)
Letter of acceptance to be sent after 1 April 2016