SEAGA 2014

SEAGA International Conference 2014
Siem Reap, Cambodia
25 - 28 November 2014
Hosted and organised by Royal University of Phnom Penh
SEAGA, the Southeast Asian Geographers Association, established in 1990, is a regional association of geographers and other academic, education, government, and private sector professionals in related fields like history, the geo- and environmental sciences, and urban planning. The 2014 conference will be the 12th conference that has been organized by SEAGA.
The conference theme is: “Geography that matters: unraveling the destiny for environment, society and people in Asia” and we are inviting multidimensional perspectives on this issue from scholars, policy makers, entrepreneurs, and teachers. The aim of the conference is to advance the discourse on the issues of environment, society and people in Asia, so as to inform the decision-making and actions of society, private enterprise, and governments. This theme was chosen based on the recommendation of the delegation to the previous SEAGA conference in Singapore as they felt that there was a need for the community to address these geographical issues from multiple perspectives.
The main sub-themes of interest include:
- Changing Physical Landscapes in Southeast Asia
- Living with Global Environmental Change
- Geospatial technologies and their contribution to Southeast Asia
- Economic growth, competitiveness and sustainable development
- Changing Population, carrying capacities and ecological footprints
- Sustainable Development and Southeast Asia
- Geography of Cities
- Geographies of rural transition
- Changing Agriculture in SE Asia
- Gender Geographies
- New regionalisms in Southeast Asia
- Geography Education
- Field-based issues for geography and geography education
First Call for Papers
This is a first call for papers on the themes. Abstracts of paper/ workshop/panel proposal are to be submitted to the SEAGA Conference Organising Committee, using the online submission system below:
The submission deadline will be extended to 30 June 2014 in response to many requests. Acceptance letters will be sent after 15 July 2014. All submissions will be peer reviewed.
Three types of proposals will be considered.
- Paper presentation (20 minutes)
- Specialised Panel Discussions (90-minute session comprising 3 papers)
- Workshops (90-minute workshop)
Do note that for paper presentations, there will be about 3 papers in each 90 minute session and a discussant will critique and lead a discussion of the papers after all papers have been presented. To facilitate this, we will need full papers to be submitted by 1 October to the programme committee. A template for full paper will be made available at a later date.
More information about registration will be available in Spring 2014. Please visit https://www.seaga.info/ You can also subscribe to the RSS feeds for the latest updates at https://www.seaga.info/rss/all.xml.