International Forum 2007
International SEAGA Forum on
Southeast Asian Futures: Is Geography Destiny?
28th July 2007
National Library Building
Held in conjunction with the 40th anniversary of ASEAN
Organised in response to popular demand by key members of the SEAGA network, this forum celebrates our 17th year and commemorates ASEAN’s 40th year. ASEAN or the Association of Southeast Asian Nations as a geo-political and economic organization of 10 countries, was formed on 8 August 1967 to promote economic growth, social progress, cultural development among its members, and the promotion of regional peace. In 2005, ASEAN had a combined GDP of about USD$884 billion and a purchasing parity power of $2.755 trillion and the region was growing at an average rate of around 4% per year. While the economies, cultures and environments of ASEAN are diverse, ASEAN is facing challenges at global, regional and national scales.
In its continuing mission to provide a platform for researchers on any aspect of Southeast Asia, from within or outside the region to share their research and work in geography, the humanities, social sciences and related areas. The programme of the forum will include the discussion of themes ranging from urban, environmental, economic, cultural and education futures within the region. These issues are not only relevant to scholars and policy makers alike and we invite teachers, educators, professionals and practitioners to join us in debating our future as a region and a people.
Ooi Giok Ling President, SEAGA &
Chang Chew Hung Secretary, SEAGA
Detailed Programme
0815 – 0900 |
Registration |
0900 - 0905 |
Welcome Address by Professor Ooi Giok Ling, President SEAGA. |
0905 - 1000 |
Plenary Session
1000 – 1030 |
Tea |
1030 - 1200 |
Parallel Workshops/Sessions 1. Urban Futures (Imagination Room)
2. Economic Futures (Visitor Briefing Room)
3. Media, Education and the Environment (Possibility Room)
1200 -1300 |
Lunch |
1300 - 1430 |
Parallel Workshops/Sessions 4. Political Futures: Role of NGOs in Singapore and Southeast Asia (Imagination Room)
5. Geography Education Futures (Possibility Room)
6. Southeast Asian Cultures and Futures (Visitor Briefing Room)
1430 – 1500 |
Tea and closing remarks |
SEAGA would like to thank its co-organisers and hosts:
Humanities and Social Studies Education Academic Group
National Library Board
We would also like to thank our sponsor
Central Singapore, Community Development Council