International Forum 2009 I
International Forum on
Cities and Climate Change – Society and Policy Responses
14 February 2009
Ministry of National Development Auditorium
Partner |
CLC & SEAGA proudly bring you this International Forum on an issue that is challenging national and local governments all over the world with the occurrence as well as ever more frequent recurrence of natural hazards that are destroying homes and lives of people practically everywhere. Organised in response to popular demand by key members of the SEAGA network, this forum brings together scholars, policy makers, entrepreneurs and concerned citizens to debate state and society responses to climate change and its implications particularly for populations living in cities.
In its continuing mission to provide a platform for researchers on various aspects of Southeast Asia, from within or outside the region to share their research and work in geography, the humanities, social sciences and related areas, the programme of the forum will include discussion of adaptation and mitigation measures as well as governance and public policy in response to climate change. These issues are relevant to scholars and policy makers alike so we invite teachers, educators, professionals and practitioners to join us in debating our `ground-up’ as well as policy responses to climate change. We have invited distinguished and expert speakers to share their public as well as private sector or market experiences in addressing the issues that citizens like you and I must face up to in climate change proofing our cities.
Tentative Programme
0800-0900 |
Registration | |
0900-1000 | Forum Opening & Keynote Addresses Global Perspectives on Climate Change |
1000-1030 | Tea break | |
1030-1200 |
Parallel Plenaries on:
Adaptation and Mitigation Measures – Implications for Production and Consumption
Governance and Public Policy – Responses from State and Society |
1200-1300 | Lunch | |
1300-1430 | Closing Plenary on Implications for Urban Societies – Climate Change Proofing our Cities |
Speakers (confirmed)
Professor Euston Quah (Head of Economics, Nanyang Technological University)
Associate Professor Wong Poh Poh (IPCC Member, National University of Singapore)
Associate Professor Matthias Roth (National University of Singapore)
Mr Edwin Khew (Nominated Member of Parliament)
Dr Paul Barter (Lee Kuan School of Public Policy)
Mr Christophe Inglin, (CEO of Phoenix Solar)
Speakers (invited and to be confirmed)
Mr Andrew Tan (Chief Executive Officer, Centre for Liveable Cities)
Mr Choo Chiau Beng (Chairman, SPC and SMRT)
Who should attend
- School teachers and educators in all fields including Natural and Social Sciences and particularly Economics, Social Studies, Geography, History and Humanities
- Professionals and practitioners working on cities, their planning and development
- Teachers and management in International Schools
- Scholars and researchers from Institutes of higher learning with an interest in climate change issues.
- Businesses with an interest in cities and climate change issues.
Registration fee is $100 per person. The registration package includes a tea break, lunch, and a forum kit. An administrative charge of $50 will be charged for cancellation/ withdrawal of registration on and after 11th January 2009.
Registration document file available for download here. 2009 Forum 3rd flyer-regform.doc (249 kB)
No cancellations/withdrawals are possible after 5 February 2009. Only cheque payment will be accepted. Please send completed registration forms and cheques payable to:
Southeast Asian Geography Association
c/o SEAGA 2009 Event Organiser
HSSE AG, National Institute of Education
1 Nanyang Walk Singapore 637616
Fax: 68969135
Email: seaga2009@hotmail.com
Note: SEAGA is listed on VITAL.org. Please contact Event Organizer at seaga2009@hotmail.com to make arrangements for payment through VITAL.org.