Agrarian Change and Rural Development in Southeast Asia
Agrarian Change and Rural Development in Southeast Asia
Convenors: Professor Rob Cramb (University of Queensland) and Professor Jonathan Rigg (National University of Singapore)
Urbanisation may be proceeding apace in Southeast Asia but, even so, studies of rural development and agrarian change show that the countryside is far from losing its salience and importance. Land grabbing, migration and mobility, shifting gender and generational relations, the growing and changing nature of inter-connectedness between people and places, entrenched pockets of poverty and new forms of social and spatial exclusion, growing precarity, and the challenge of climate change and the scope for adaptation – all these are themes which thread their way through recent rural scholarship. Understanding rural transformations and the myriad and often surprising ways they are playing out in the Southeast Asian region provides an insight into national level processes of change and the policy challenges that emerge.
The panel seeks to bring together scholars, and especially early career researchers, working on issues that shed light on the multiple processes of agrarian change in the Southeast Asian region. Those interested in participating should submit their paper at https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=seaga2014 Do remember to indicate that the paper is to be submitted for the group panel on "Agrarian Change and Rural Development in Southeast Asia".
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Please also email either Rob Cramb (r.cramb@uq.edu.au) or Jonathan Rigg (jonathan.rigg@nus.edu.sg) with your paper id number. The paper review system will then redirect your submission to the panel convenors for review.