Financial Help for Conference 2010
16/09/2010 13:18
For participants who may need some financial assistance we have 2 options that may be o fhelp to you at present:
- As part of our outreach to graduate students and young scholars (PhD less than 3 years) in developing economies, SEAGA will be providing a few paper awards* of USD$300 to help these scholars augment the cost of attending and presenting a paper at the conference. Young scholars and graduate students may apply for a paper award by submitting a full length paper. Please click the link to the section.
- As part of the Mekong Learning Initiative, a limited number of travel grants to attend the conference are available through the University of Sydney. These are open to geographers and other teachers employing field-based teaching in cognate disciplines at Southeast Asian universities. To propose a presentation at the workshop, and for further information on travel grants, please contact Professor Philip Hirsch, School of Geosciences, University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia philip.hirsch@sydney.edu.au by 31 July 2010 with a brief abstract (maximum 500 words).