Important Dates

14/05/2008 17:03

Important Dates





Regular Registration - March 11 until May 16

On-site Registration


Conference Papers



Submission of Full Papers - May 15

Presentors are strongly encouraged to submit the full version of their presentations for possible publication in the Philippine Geographical Journal. Please follow the prescribed guidelines in preparing your manuscript:

Manuscripts should be typewritten, double-spaced and use only one side of an 8 ½ x 11 inch bond paper. Scholarly articles should range from 2000 to 5000 words.

Author’s affiliations and interests. Authors should supply, through a footnote on the first page of the title page of the article manuscript, information on their current employment (position/rank, institution/organization, address), educational attainment (degree, discipline, institution), and research interests and experience. If a manuscript has been presented as a paper in a conference, workshop pr symposium, the particulars of the occasion should be footnoted, too.

Abstract. On the first page of the article manuscript between the author’s name and the text, an abstract with a length ranging from 100 to 200 words should be included. It should summarize salient points and include key words.

References and footnotes. All words cited in the text in parenthesis (author, year, page) should be listed at the end of the article in alphabetical order, last name first. Comments and explanations on textual content should be placed as footnotes, indicated consecutively throughout the manuscript by numerical superscripts, and may include literature citations.

Illustrations and tables. Illustrations, which should be kept to a minimum should be of professional quality drawn in blank ink on white paper or in thick tracing paper. They should not be more than two times nor smaller that the size of the manuscript paper. The style of the lettering should be either in Leroy or Arial type/font.

**Kindly submit your full paper to Pamela Crosby (

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