SEAGA 2020 Paper Awards
10/09/2019 09:15
As part of our outreach to graduate students and young scholars (PhD less than 5 years) in developing economies, SEAGA will be providing 5 paper awards* of USD$500 to help these scholars augment the cost of attending and presenting a paper at the conference. Young scholars and graduate students may apply for a paper award by submitting a full-length paper.
The application for this award should be made with:
- A cover letter to express interest in the award.
- A statement in the cover letter to explain how your work will contribute to the field of Geography and Southeast Asia.
- The full-length version of your accepted paper.
The application should be made before 15 October 2019. A panel of international scholars will judge and announce the results by 1 Dec 2019. We will notify the award winners by email.
Please use the EASYCHAIR system to upload your papers. Please DO NOT send them via email. Use this full paper template here.