Call for Papers
This is a first call for papers on the following themes. Abstracts of papers are to be sent to SEAGA Conference Organising Committee by 30 June 2010 (extended deadline)
Three types of proposals will be considered.
1. Paper presentation (15- 20 minute)
2. Specialised Panel Discussions (90 minute session comprising 3-4 papers)
3. Workshops (90 minute workshop)
Major themes of interest:
- Changing Physical Landscapes in Southeast Asia
- Living with Global Environmental Change
- SE Asia and Environmental Management
- Changing Population, carrying capacities and ecological footprints
- Sustainable Development and Southeast Asia
- Politics, policies and sustainability
- Health and development issues
- Cities and sustainable development
- Economic growth, competitiveness and sustainable development
- Changing Agriculture in SE Asia
- Geographies of rural transition
- New regionalisms in Southeast Asia
- Sustainability and Education
- Geography Education
- Field-based teaching in Southeast Asian geography
- Remote sensing and GIS: their contribution to environmental management in southeast Asia