SEAGA Conference 2023 in Bangkok
SEAGA, the Southeast Asian Geographey Association, established in 1990, is a regional association of geographers and other academic, education, government, and private sector professionals in related fields like history, the geo- and environmental sciences, and urban planning. Co-organised by SEAGA, Siam University, Thammasat University and Chulalongkorn University, the 2023 conference will be organised in Bangkok.
Conference Theme
The conference theme is: “Recontextualising Sustainability – People, Places and the Environment”. We are inviting multidimensional perspectives on this issue from scholars, policy makers, entrepreneurs, and educators. The aim of the conference is to advance the discourse on the issues of sustainability, cultures, space and place in Southeast Asia, so as to inform the decision-making and actions of society, private enterprise, and governments.
Detailed programme is available in the programme section for this event.
All submissions will are peer-reviewed.
Major themes of interest:
1. Sustainable Development and Southeast Asia
2. Cities and sustainable development
3. Economic growth, competitiveness and sustainable development
4. Southeast Asia and Environmental Management
5. Changing Population, carrying capacities and ecological footprints
6. Politics, policies and sustainability
7. Health and development issues
8. Changing Agriculture in Southeast Asia
9. Geographies of rural transition
10. New regionalisms in Southeast Asia
11. Sustainability and Education
12. Changing Physical Landscapes in Southeast Asia
13. Living with Global Environmental Change
14. Geography Education
15. Field-based teaching in Southeast Asian geography
16. Remote sensing and GIS
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